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Drive Compassion in Your Community

Take The Wheel

NV Rides partners with community-based volunteer driver programs located throughout Northern Virginia. Our goal is to help ensure that any adult aging in place in our community can find transportation. NV Rides is here to support you in getting a volunteer driver program up and running in your community.

If you or your organization wants to get a volunteer driving program started or if you have a program already, but want to connect with our network, we are here to help.

The Path is Easy

Take Us For A Spin

When your organization joins NV Rides, you become part of a thriving network of volunteer driving programs. You receive the following at no cost:


Door-to-Door Support

NV Rides promotes mobility for seniors. We work with community-based volunteer organizations that provide transportation services.

NV Rides Blog: Stories from the Road

Mom, Entrepreneur and Volunteer Driver Pays it Forward

Liz Jones is an entrepreneur, mom of two teenagers and self-declared volunteer extraordinaire.  The Herndon resident admits that she finds it hard to sit still and is always looking for ways to give back to her community.  As a member…
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Volunteer Appreciation Week: Spotlight on Travis White

This week human services agencies across the country celebrated National Volunteer Appreciation Week, a special opportunity to recognize the remarkable people in our community that go that extra mile to serve those in need.   This year was an especially challenging year for…
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